At Badminton we had this coach called Kevin. Kevin is in the New Zealand Badminton team. He would be teaching us for the whole term. In the game Badminton we worked inside the hall because it was cloudy outside so that would mean it would rain but it didn't because their was not that much cloud up in the sky.
In the start of the game we played Stuck in the middle. This game was different to the real game to Stuck in the middle so Kevin showed us an example which was Nevaeh. It looked really cool because it was better than the other one in my own opinion. Who ever was touch had to stay still and wait for someone to come and save you. I was waiting for someone... but then Jonathan came and clapped his hands between my leg then taped my hand.
We got to start playing Badminton but before we did Kevin told us to get a rack and a shuttle to hold onto. Everyone had to stand up and wait for Kevin to finished the instructions. Before we played Kevin told us what to do and what the rules were. Number 1. We had to not play around with the rack. Number 2. When we are close to someone STOP so that you won't hurt them. Number 3. We had to make sure the shuttle was upside down which was the circle ball pointing down. Number 4. We had to make sure to hit lightly so that it won't hit the roof. You have to make 10 or more hits in each practice.
Kevin showed us some trick shots which he said it was just for fun. We had to do one behind the back which was very easy to do but we also had to do it 10 or more times. I was trying to make my accuracy good because every time it is not pointing down then it would just fall down to the ground. Kevin called us down to sit on the line and wait for Kevin to tell us what to do next. This third practice we would hit it underneath our legs for 10 or more times. It was kind of tricky but when I would do it heaps of times it would be very easy. the last second to last thing was the same things we did which was behind our legs and behind the back. And the last one was behindhand and front hand. This was my favorite one because it was very fun and easy to do.
We had this last game before we left Kiwi Sport/Badminton. This game is when we had to keep on doing it for long as we would but if we drop it then we would have to sit down and watch the other people that are left over. I was cheering on for Jonathan because he worked so hard in the practice that he got 38 which was really cool because I never got it. Their was 2 rounds one round that got to Julian and the last round got to Jonathan. Julian and Jonathan vs which Julian won. Everyone was happy for Julian and Jonathan because it was really fun to watch.
LI: To revise Recount Writing.
Today for Writing Mr O showed my work on the Tv in front of my whole writing groups. What did you learned? I have learnt heaps of stuff that was suppose to be inside my writing. I got 26 because I messed up on Vocabulary,Punctuation and spelling. How did you learned? We had to have 2 people from one of the 2 groups that had to represent our work. I was really scared because when they where giving the scores to me I was nevores because I was hoping that I dont go that low so that I wont be on another level like a year 4 or 5.