
Monday 9 January 2017

The Learning Summer Program (New Zealand and What I Eat for Breakfast).

New Zealand

Image result for toasted,Cheese and SpaghettiImage result for scrambled eggs and bacon

  1. What you eat for breakfast
  2. What people in your chosen country eat for breakfast
  3. Which of the two breakfast options (your breakfast or the breakfast in the other country) you prefer. Why do you prefer it?\

I eat Toasted,Cheese and Spaghetti but when when my Brother comes over we have the same as we always then we get to have eggs and baken then we get to have a Drink afterwords.

BONUS = 15

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chavda,

    I have never had cheese and spaghetti on toast but my son, Aronui, has and he loves it! In fact, he often asks me to make it for him! If we don't have any spaghetti then he will settle for a grilled cheese sandwich. Have you ever had a grilled cheese sandwich? I think that it's a North American-style sandwich. I grew up eating them every Sunday for lunch. Our family would go to church and then we'd come home and have grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. We had it every Sunday for 15 years!

    If you had to eat the same food every Sunday for 15 years what would you choose? If I could go back and change it I would probably have switched from grilled cheese to a chicken pita. I love pitas :)

    What do you love to eat?

