
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Day 3, Activity 2: When the Rubber Hits the Road | Teaser Week

Image result for accomplishments

On your blog, please share who these people were (first names only) and what they were proud of.
Florence: Getting all of her sliver care award badges.
Victoria: Getting her 2 Sliver care awards.
Fui : Getting sports leader/ placing first in the high jump (inter school athletics)

This week during Day 3, activity 2 we have been interviewing our friends of what they have accomplish. I have interview Fui,Victoria and Florence. Fui has accomplish sports leader for 2019/ placing first in high jump ( inter school athletics). Florence has accomplish getting all of her Sliver Care Awards badges this year. And Victoria has achieved her first Sliver Care Award badge. I found this activity a bit fun to do since it was really easy to ask them.