
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Fire Station Visit

LI: To ask questions and also learn new things.
Today we got to visit the Fire Station. I was so happy but sad because we had to walk to and from to the Fire Station which made me sad and I was happy because, I got to see 4 people that are trained that can show us some tools. When we got there they told us there names. Steve,Bob,Paul and Norman. They told us that when there is a Fire go down stairs get low/down and also call them. The last thing they told us before we went outside was that there is a smoke alarm inside your house, you wont breathe it. Also if you don't have one then call them so that they can give you one. We got to go outside and see the parts of Fire Truck and to see how they put the equipment on. They told us where the tools go. It was really cool because when they where putting on the costume it looked really amazing because I haven't seen one in front of me so that was something that I wont forget. We all had to stand up and walk around the truck so that they can show us the other tools to it but on the other side too. After woods we went back to our spot. They explained to us that the water they have is very big to see, because there are factors,Houses and other places to. I was happy for this bite because Fui,Sandra,Jonthan and Andrew got to have a turn of holding the hoes which it was really cool to see because it was really big and high. Mr O got to have a turn and he got use the big hoes because the big hoes you had to use heaps of power so they had to use the small hoes. When Mr O had his turn it was very large and big because when it got big it looked so amazing to see. So we got to ask questions and Norman would just tell us more things about the hoes that they have too. When he talking I was looking at those cars which made me think did they die? We said goodbye to Steve,Bob,Paul and Norman then we started to walk back to school.


  1. Kia Ora and Malo Chavda
    I have seen your Fire station post and its absolutely fantastic It has a big blurb that surprise me that you have been listening to what the fire men had said and explained.
    I hoped you had fun.
    Well chavda keep up the work

  2. Greetings Chavda
    I liked your wor.k about the firestation visit today I enjoyed the firestaion visit too and very good work lots done too keep up the good work
